Day 11: TypeSript and Perlin Noise Loops

Repo for Day 11

Got a TypeScript staging area set up in the repo incase I decided to take another crack at the Quadtree. I probably won't use TypeScript for most skeches. But when I do, just changing the name on the folder in the src directory will auto generate a new folder in the docsdirectory. That means the TypeScript might not be preserved in stages like the JavaScript, but I think that's okay. Did not actually use TypeScript for the other two sketches made today! Ha!

Hover the mouse over the first sketch to make it run. Not much happens, explanation in the link. The second and third just run because I need to update my controlledCanvas to work with other DOM objects. 3rd sketch can show and hide the sliders once using the up and down arrow keys, but then something gets glitchy.

  1. 01-hello-typescript
  2. 02-charlie-browns-teacher
  3. 03-chatty-today