Day 12: TypeSript and Perlin Noise Loops

Repo for Day 12

So TypeScript came in handy today because I was writing my own classes. The process of just changing the name in the src directory to generate a new sketch folder in the docs directory seems to be working.

  1. Made a Vector> class so I could use return types.
  2. Updated >GravityMover to work with new vector library and to face the direction its headed.
  3. Made a PolarMover that is moved by setting its location with polar coordinates. This object has two different update types: set with a new value, update old by an increment.
  4. Combined PolarMover and blobby from yesterday.

Hover the mouse over the first sketch to make it run. Not much happens, explanation in the link. The second and third just run because I need to update my controlledCanvas to work with other DOM objects. 3rd sketch can show and hide the sliders once using the up and down arrow keys, but then something gets glitchy.

  1. 01-ts-mover
  2. 02-face-forward
  3. 03-polar-mover
  4. 04-polar-mover-face-forward
  5. 05-polar-mover-object
  6. 06-polar-mover-plus-blobby